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What Is Wind Energy?

Wind energy is produced by the movement of air (wind) and converted into power for human use. Wind power is energy obtained from the force of the wind. Through a wind turbine that transforms the kinetic energy of air currents into electrical energy. The energy is mainly extracted with the rotor, which transforms the kinetic energy into mechanical energy, and with the generator, which transforms this mechanical energy into electrical energy.

How Wind Energy Work?

Wind energy is produced with wind turbines—tall, tubular towers with blades rotating at the top. When the wind turns the blades, the blades turn a generator and create electricity. Wind turbines can have a horizontal or vertical axis. The turbines do not actually produce wind energy, directly. The blades turn, convert the energy of wind into rotational energy, a form of mechanical energy, and this energy is in turn converted into electrical energy

Types of wind energy

There are currently two types of wind energy depending on where the wind turbines are erected:

1:Onshore wind energy

Onshore wind energy is responsible for producing electricity by harnessing the wind from wind farms located on land. To do this, we install wind turbines capable of transforming kinetic energy from the wind into electricity suitable for use and send it to the distribution network.

2:Offshore wind energy

Offshore wind energy is the energy obtained by harnessing the force of the wind that is produced on the high seas, where it reaches a higher and more constant speed than on land due to the absence of barriers. In order to make the most of this resource, mega-structures are installed that are seated on the seabed and equipped with the latest technical innovations.


Advantage and Disadvantage of using Wind Energy

Advantages of Wind Energy

1.It’s clean, sustainable, and abundant

2.It’s cost effective

3.The price for wind energy continues to decrease as technology improves

4.Turbines are an efficient use of land

5.Helps to revitalize rural economies and supports agriculture

Disadvantages of Wind Energy

1.Wind energy is intermittent

2.Wind energy causes noise and visual pollution

3.Wind turbines have some negative impacts on their surrounding environment

4.Wind energy is remote

Who can use the Wind energy?


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